Dollars & Sense
Financially Speaking

Social Security and Banks
“Consequently, the forecasts of the Social Security trust fund solvency are just moot. We might as well be monitoring the health of Thor or Godzilla or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.”
Yellen\’yelln\n : verb 1.Southern for something Momma did a lot of when I didn’t do right 2. The first chairwoman in the history of the Federal...
The Imaginary Line
When I am interviewed by a potential new client, we talk about how I make decisions, think and work. During the discussion, I always talk about The...
The Art Of Assessing Risk Tolerance
Measuring risk of an investment is mathematical. Measuring the risk tolerance of a human is art and experience. The biggest challenge of selling...
“No Hiding Place? Unpleasesent Thought: If Bonds Revert To Trend, Bondholders Will Get Hammered.”
One of the most profound business decisions I made for my practice was to ‘go paperless’. It took quite an investment in technology and cultural...
Yogurt, Apples And Banana Splits
The first TCBY Yogurt store I ever saw was in a shopping center on Rodney Parham Road in Little Rock. It was on my way home after work and can...
Andy Hardy’s Home Mortgage
For some reason I am fascinated by the way things used to be in contrast to how things are today. When was the last time you watched an Andy Hardy...
The Perils Of Extrapolation
Several years ago, I spoke to a group in Jonesboro on “Five Financial Mistakes Smart People Make”. One of the points I made was the mistake of...
Advisors Talking To Advisors
Advisors and the Emotional Burden Carl Richards, 10/18/2011, "It will come as no surprise to you, but giving financial advice to...
Technology And Grandchildren
Do you remember when you talked to your kids in baby talk? You know, "Goo, goo" and "Gaa Gaa" while making faces and smiling like a Chessir cat. ...
The IPad
Sometimes an innovation comes along that is a real game-changer. But change is difficult. Because change is difficult, we fail to see the impact...
Independent, Fee-Only Fiduciary
How We Serve
As an independent, fee-only wealth manager and financial advisor, Corkern & Company is able to offer truly unbiased and objective financial advice. Using this structure allows our clients to keep and invest all of their hard-earned money while allowing us to work with only their best interests in mind.